ACCU 2023 Conference - Call for Participation
Welcome for the Call for Papers / Participation for the ACCU 2023
We invite you to propose a session for this leading software development conference.
We have a long tradition of high quality sessions covering many aspects of software development, from programming languages (e.g., C, C++, C#, D, Clojure, Erlang, Groovy, Haskell, Java, Javascript, Python, Ruby, etc.), and technologies (libraries, frameworks, databases, etc.) to subjects about the wider development environment such as testing, architecture and design, development process, analysis, patterns, project management, and softer aspects such as team building, communication and leadership. See the 2022 schedule.
Sessions are usually tutorial-based, presentations of case studies, or interactive workshops, but we are always open to novel formats.
Pre-conference workshops are all day and may be one or two days long. Main conference sessions are 90 or 180 minutes. Again we have short sessions with 20 min.
Proposals about specific products and technologies will be taken under consideration only if they are open source and available for free (at least for non-commercial use). If you are interested in talking about a proprietary technology, there is the possibility of "sponsored sessions" which are presented outside the standard conference schedule. Please, email for more information.
The details about financial assistance will be published later.
Please fill in these fields:
Sub-Title (optional)
Type (Lecture, Workshop, Podium)
Duration (day/180/90/20 min, note in the submission notes if the fullday workshop covers 2 days)
Summary (Optional, one short paragraph that succinctly describes the session)
Description (approx 250 words)
Please ignore at the moment the request "Please let us know, at what times you would be available to hold your event:"!
After you have registered at this site, please fill in your biography in your account details by following "Edit your personal profile".
Here is the field Abstract optional.
The Call for Papers lasts three weeks and will close at Monday 7th November 2022, 23:59 o'clock. Remember, remember, the 7th of November...
Acceptance emails will go out latest on Sunday 18th December 2022.
The full conference schedule will be announced latest Sunday 15th Jan 2023.
The conference has always benefited from the strength of its programme.
Please help us make 2023 another successful event!
Thank you!
ACCU Programme Committee